And now I'm giving all of you with 3 or more kids a chance to giggle, scoff, roll eyes, scream....whatever you see fit.
Ok now stop!'s not nice to ridicule. :)
I'm also going blame eblogger because it takes forever to download pictures and requires several uninterrupted nights (whatever those are). Well, if I'm being honest it's probably my incredibly slooooowwww computer. However, if the people at eblogger would like to send me a newer faster Dell....I'd be open to stop slandering their name. Because I'm sure they read this blog. :)
This is how easy it is to get Carlysle give a sweet and genuine smile for the camera.....

Callie up close

And this is why it took me so long to upload the pictures. I'm warning you now I posted every attempt we took to get a family shot. I knew when my Mom was trying to get a decent shot that it was hard and no one was cooperating. Then I got home and pulled up the pictures on my computer. Hilarious! Way too humorous not to include all of them. I mean really what does it take to have 4 people look in the general direction of the camera at the same time. It's not like this was a family reunion picture with 30 people who see each other once a year....yet still seem to be able to look at the camera at the same time. We're impossible!
Yeah, I'm not sure we even knew there was a camera around. I'm going to blame the photographer for this one.

Maybe my Mom said "everyone look at the flower"?

Ok honestly, I think this was one of those times when someone says "I'm going to take the picture on 3". 1....2 snap

Well Joey and Carlysle are ready and seem to get the idea. Callie found something better to look at on the ground and I.........well I have ADD and probably was just as curious as Callie.

Callie and I again....but seriously I was about to lose an ear.
I don't know........
Oh Callie.....come on. That was almost the shot.
Still protecting my ear.....
Maybe somebody else had a camera over there.....
Ok, I can't explain why Joey can continue to face forward and smile for every picture. I have ADD. Wait, did I use that already?
I would have taken this shot even with Carlysle's look of shock but Callie looks asleep while sitting up and it's sort of creepy.
Callie's attack. This happens very often b/c she takes any anger, frustration, teething pain or sleepiness out on my face, neck and jewelry.

Callie checked out. And finally we got Joey looking away!