Wow! I have been really bad about keeping up this site. Turns out.........newborns keep you busy! These are some pictures of Carlysle and her daddy on Halloween. I will post some more pictures later but these had to go up now. I love the one of Carlysle looking up at Joey.....priceless photo!
Carlysle Grace Delaney was born on October 9th at 4:05 PM. She was 7lbs. 7oz. and 19inches long. Leslie did great, outside of a failed epidural that had to be replaced, and she seemed like she has done this a thousand times before. We were able to go home yesterday and were so glad to get out of that hospital room. Riggs has done well so far under the new circumstances and doesn't even act like her crying bothers him. . . and he had plenty of exposure to that last night. We are so excited about our new arrival and can't wait for all of our friends and family to meet her. We are very appreciative of all of the thoughts and prayers for our family.
Well we have a birth date set! I am scheduled for an induction (due to some blood pressure issues) on Monday, October 9. Only two days away! Joey and I are so excited about meeting our little girl. We are to arrive Monday morning at 5:30am and get the show on the road. I think we are both filled with so many emotions right now. Maybe me more than Joey. I have a little more to be scared about but mostly I am filled with excitement and anticipation. I can't wait to post pictures as soon as we return home so be on the lookout!