Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Milkshake Junkie

Occasionally Joey makes milkshakes (and other fattening things) for himself because he is trying to gain back some weight he unintentionally lost......yes everybody you may roll your eyes now. Carlysle is at the point where she wants to try anything you have. Gone are the days where you just plop down on the couch and veg out. Within seconds she is crawling all over you digging in your bag sticks (or bbq potato chips). So of course she had a fit when Joey sat down on the floor with his strawberry milkhake. She literally dove over my legs pointing her finger at it, while grunting. So, we let her have some and now she's hooked.

And here is what happens when you take the milkshake away..........

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Snack.....that Carlysle will never get to have again

Well, I was trying to be a good Mom and buy the healthier "whole grain" fig newtons. So, while I cooked dinner I let Joey give Carlysle one for dessert. Which I realize sounds cruel....."fig newtons for dessert" but she's young and has no idea what options are out there for dessert. I have no idea if this is a common theme among the fig newton family but our experience with the whole grain was disastrous. They turned into a crumbly mess. I'm not sure she ever really tasted anything more than crumb. So here's my warning to other mothers regarding whole grain fig newtons......only allow them on Daddy/Daughter nights!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Young and the Restless

I hesitated to play this video because it doesn't speak well for my parenting skills. But I promise you this is the only time of day when the "Noggin" channel is not on.....well except when Days of Our Lives is on, or Dawson's Creek, or Dr. Phil, or Oprah.....ok ok nevermind. Anyway, in my defense "Young and the Restless" comes on at 12:30 which is lunchtime so Carlysle is always sitting in her highchair which has a clear view of the TV. Everytime she hears the theme from "Young and the Restless" she whips her head around to look at the TV. Joey was home for lunch one day recently and finally got to see her do it. We decided to find the song on the internet and save it on our computer. So randomly throughout the day I'll play it and she always stops what she's doing and looks at the TV. I promise we do educational things during the day too....for instance she already knows all the character's names on "Days of our Lives". Kidding.