Here are some pictures from our trip to pick out a Christmas tree. Carlysle loved the trees! However, she was much more interested in playing hide-and-seek behind all the trees than actually studying them and helping us pick the "perfect" tree. This made for an interesting trip because as Joey and I would stop at each tree and discuss whether it had too many holes, wasn't big enough, wasn't fat enough, etc.....we would suddenly stop and remember we brought a two year old with us. Thankfully she was always only a couple trees away and still hasn't quite grasped the concept of hide-and-seek because all you have to say is "Carlysle, where are you?" and wait.....then you'll here a quiet voice say "I'm right here". So needless to say it wasn't a long trip and when we got it home and looked at the tree closely.......well let's just say it isn't "perfect" but perfect for us.

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