This weekend
Carlysle and I decided to have a tea party while Daddy was working. This tea set was made by my friends and family at a baby shower given to me while I was pregnant with
Carlysle. It sits on her bookshelf and she's been told she isn't allowed to play with it and surprisingly she's has never really messed with it. So she and I were both excited that she was finally big enough to play with it (as long as an adult is present). I also let her put "real" water in the teapot and pour it into the cups. She wore her
tinkerbell costume with a pink tutu over it and I wore an old bridesmaid dress. I finished off my outfit with silver heels, a white veil and lots of plastic jewelry! No, I did not include pictures of me although I did let
Carlysle take a picture of me because her Daddy really wanted to see my "costume". She did manage to get me in the picture however it was my ankles to my neck! We had a lot of fun!

I showed her how to hold the teapot and she looks so grown up. I almost cried when I looked at this picture. Of course some of it may be that I straightened her hair!

She eventually took my veil!

Our invited guests:
JennyBeth (
Carlysle got her for Christmas this year from Mimi)

And unnamed doll.....

this doll Callie received for Christmas from Mimi but somehow she ended up in
Carlysle's room and on the guest list. We did escort unnamed doll back to Callie's room followed by another talk about taking Callie's things.
Carlysle has figured out that Callie is too young to know she has toys or even knows what a "toy" is so she has taken complete advantage of this knowledge. She
continually sneaks Callie's toys and dolls into her stash in her room. She has also figured out that Mommy and Daddy can't quite keep up with which doll belongs to who so I'm sure she's gotten away with several new things.

Our snack for tea party.......Smores Goldfish, which are delicious but more on that later, and saltine crackers. You know the standard.