Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Sunday

So these are attempts at Easter pictures. We went to our church in Columbia so we didn't have any family to take our picture. So Joey did the "set the timer, run over, jump in picture" thing. Sad but we tried. And I have been trying to upload this video for almost two weeks. We set up our own Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard for Carlysle since she didn't get to actually hunt for eggs at the Orangeburg Hunt (we had a meltdown right before it started). This video is long and I actually cut it but she was too cute to watch so we recorded a lot.

This is Carlysle carrying the multiple ducks that were in her Easter Basket. I don't know what we were thinking but we forgot to take any pictures or video of her actually getting her Easter Basket.

This is Carlysle after church running around in her ruffly bloomers and tights.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Orangeburg Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday, we traveled to Orangeburg to spend time with Joey's family and attend the Annual Easter Egg Hunt. I will try my best to explain the scale of this event. The pictures will show some of what I'm talking about but you cannot get the full effect unless you've been. I've heard about this for many years but have never been until this year. A little background first. This family in Orangeburg started this Easter Egg Hunt 14 years ago with the birth of their first grandchild. It's free and open to the public. They live out in the country on the most gorgeous land complete with a pond and immaculate landscaping.

As we cross through the gates of the large brick wall that surronds the property, my mouth just dropped. It was absolutely beautiful with Easter decorations everywhere and a bridge you cross to get over to the fun stuff. I don't even know where to begin to describe the neat things they had. I'll just run through them. They had ducks for the children to hold, baby chicks, bunnies, a merry-go-round, pony rides, a bouncy house and face painting. They also had cake and ice cream, skittles, mini candy bars, and punch. Then they of course there was an Easter egg hunt set up but not just one. They had it organized by age group and each one was on a different part of the property.

Carlysle had a blast! And so did Mommy. I had the best time watching her holding the little chicks and bunnies. Well, I say "holding" them. She actually kept squeezing them because she has several stuffed toys that when you squeeze their tummy, they make a noise. And one of them is a duck. So we couldn't let her "hold" them for very long because that would have been a very tramatic Easter for some children if they had watched Carlysle squeeze one of the cute chicks to death. Also, there is a toy duck at Target that she loves, it's one of those "Fur Real" toys. This one's little mouth is open and you squeeze the bottom part of it's beak and tongue together, it quacks. She just giggles and giggles (so of course Mommy and Daddy bought it for her easter basket). So the first thing she did when saw the ducks was try and squeeze it's beak to make it quack. It was hilarious. We had so much fun. Can't wait to go back next year.

On our way to the Easter Egg Hunt

Ok, let's play a game....."Which person in the picture doesn't belong on the tiny Merry-Go-Round?

Here is some video of Carlysle with the Bunnies:
And here is some video of Carlysle with the baby chicks, watch the part when she stands up and is holding a baby chick by it's neck. We'll have to teach some better lessons about being gentle

Friday, March 21, 2008

Who needs carseats????

We decided that carseats are for amateurs. When I was growing up you rode in the front seat when you were three with no seat belt and it was fun to go from the back seat to the front seat to the back seat.....maybe do a handstand on the floorboard of the car. Besides, Riggs will keep her safe.

Actually, this is what happens while Mommy shops. We stopped at Stein Mart on the way to Orangeburg for me to "run" in and look for something while Daddy entertained Carlysle outside the store. Apparently, I was gone for too long and he had to resort to this.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Watching what I say....

Wow, I had no idea I would be at this stage already. Things really start to change when everything you say is being absorbed by little ears. I really thought I wouldn't have to worry about this until closer to two. It amazes me everyday when I say something to Carlysle and she responds with a word or reaction and it's very clear she UNDERSTANDS me. She also is repeating words we say without being prompted. Sorry if this is long but I wanted to record some of the things she is doing so I don't forget. Here are a few examples:

Yesterday, something fell out of the closest on top of me (which is a daily occurence and the reason we are buying a new house) and I said "Crap" having no idea she had just entered the room and was standing behind me. All the sudden I hear a little voice say, "Crop". My mouth just dropped and then I had to do damage control and say "Oh no, we don't say that". Which I'm sure was really confusing to her at this age because she's probably thinking "Yes we do, I just heard you."

The day before I put her down for her afternoon nap and she had been in the crib for about an hour just playing, then crying, then playing, etc. So I finally went in there and was leaning over the crib talking to her, thinking she had no idea what I was saying. I should add that she still has a passy but only gets it during naps and at night (and during the occasional meltdown at Target). So back to me having a "discussion" with her. She was just staring at me, sucking on the passy as I was leaning in the crib saying "So this is how it's going to be today, you're just not going to nap, you're just thinking you've had with this nap thing and maybe you just want to play. Well, you know you can't keep passy if you're not going nite, nite. You know the rules. If you want to get up and play you have to give passy up." She looked up at me, popped that passy out of her mouth and set it down in the crib. Then stood up and reached her arms out for me to get her out. I just stood there and way.

She also has gotten into the habit of praising herself for good behavior. When she does something like says please or thank you or hands you something she knows she's not supposed to have we say "Good Girl". She always repeats us and quickly learned that she is being praised for something she did. So now she doesn't even wait for us to say it. The other day she picked up a dirty diaper that was wrapped up on her dresser and was carrying it around. I said, "Carlysle that's yucky, can you please go put that in the trash". She marched right over to the trash can dropped it in, shut the lid and then turned around clapped for herself and said "Good Girl". Now if she closes any door, drawer or cabinet she says, "Good Girl". Even if it's the TV armoire doors and we're watching the TV. I guess it's because she never gets rewarded when she opens doors because she's not supposed to be in them. It just when she closes them after I say, "No mam, get out of there."

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Lunch at the Lake

A couple of Saturdays ago we decided to go to Lake Murray to one of the public parks and have a picnic. It was such a beautiful day and Carlysle loved being outside (she would seriously sleep outside if I would let her). She's never seen such a large body of water before (just the tub which maybe in her mind is a large body of water). Anyway, to Carlysle this was a kicking bathtub, if only she had a rubber ducky.....all would be right with the world.

She was really fascinated by the fact that a bird was so close to her. She was determined she was going to catch up to this bird.

"Come here little birdie, I won't hurt you."

"Little birdie.....please slow down"

"Ok seriously my legs are too short to run after you"

"Alright listen you stupid bird....I will throw my sippy cup at you."

"I really didn't want to do this........Dad hand me the sippy cup"