This is Carlysle rolling out the cookie dough for Santa's cookies. Wait.....ok it appears she's rolling out the counter but I think there is actually some dough under the roller. I was pleased that this year's cookie experiment went much better than last year's.
Carlysle modeling her Christmas pajamas.
Carlysle made reindeer food at school so the evening wouldn't have been complete without going outside and sprinkling it in the yard. I didn't have the heart to tell her that it looked like whatever was actually in that bag would probably kill the reindeer. But it was a fun activity!

Christmas Day
Yes a train table! She is so girly but still loves to play with little boy's toys. She actually asked for the Handy Manny workbench and a pink toolbox. Joey and I vetoed the workbench and decided on the train table. It goes perfectly with her very girly room!
This is a picture of our family made into a puzzle.
And the hit of Christmas.....Jelly Beans! Why did we even buy other gifts when she was going to tell everybody, "Jelly Beans", when asked what Santa brought her.
Callie struggling with her Santa bib.