But for now I wanted to say "Happy Birthday" to our sweet Callie. The poor thing has had a pretty crummy birthday. She started with a low fever this past weekend and by Monday night it was up to 103.7 and she just wasn't acting herself. On Tuesday, she got her throat swabbed and her finger pricked. They decided it was a virus and we would let it run it's course. Yesterday, after nap she was up to 103. 7 again, having some awesome diarrhea and absolutely puny. She was barely able to keep her head up and just laying in my lap with her head on my chest. The most alarming part though was the fact that she was HOLDING a cracker in one hand and a cookie in the other hand. If you know Callie, you know she doesn't just HOLD food. She generally inhales it. So today, on her birthday, she was back at her Daddy's office to get a cathed to have her urine checked. She has reflux in one of her kidneys so fever always concerns us about a UTI. Urine looked good but one of her ears looked bad. So we got antibiotic and headed home.
Oh and I wish I was done. Nope. We headed back out to pick Carlysle up from school. I was standing in the hallway talking to the teacher when I heard "THAT noise" you know the unmistakable "somebody just vomited noise". That was quickly followed by warm goo rolling down my arm and splattering on the floor. I'm sorry for such vivid descriptions but I wanted everyone to get the full picture. At that point, I was useless as I stood frozen trying not to vomit myself and also trying not to giggle as the kids around us stared in horror. As multiple teachers and parents tried to help me clean up, she decided to get in two more puking episodes.......followed by really awesome diarrhea when we got home. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALLIE! Really hope tomorrow is a better day for her.
To Our Sweet Callie, we decided on your second day of life, when you gave us a good scare, that you were going to make yourself known. We were right! You are a feisty little thing! But it is almost impossible to punish you. Everything you do, whether it's sweet or defiant, you do with a sparkle in your eye. You can make anyone smile and I could listen to your babbling and giggling all day long. You have become our family "entertainer" and are very aware of just how adorable you are. You make us laugh every time you start your "wallowing". Mommy and Daddy love to watch you and Carlysle "play" together, which mostly consist of you diving on top of her, wallowing, giving her kisses and eventually biting her! You watch everything your big sister does and quickly light up when she walks into the room. You also quickly let her know when you've had enough of her "playing" with you. We have enjoyed you so much this last year and can't imagine our lives with out you. We can't wait to see how your spunky personality develops over the next year! We love you so much!
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