Joey set up a "mini-studio" (our couch with a white sheet) to take pictures of Carlysle to give for Christmas presents this year. It was adorable to watch and Carlysle did great. She sat propped in that corner of the couch for probably 15 minutes and only toppled over once.....when Mommy wasn't paying attention. Out of the hundreds taken we were able to get several good ones. This one is my favorite.........that face makes me melt.
Carlysle has now started to smile and it's so cute. Joey and I just melt everytime we finally get one out of her. They are few and far between right now so we look like the goofiest parents as we get in her face and say silly things to try to get her to smile. We did capture a few on the camera. I'm sure there are plenty more to come.
Wow! I have been really bad about keeping up this site. Turns out.........newborns keep you busy! These are some pictures of Carlysle and her daddy on Halloween. I will post some more pictures later but these had to go up now. I love the one of Carlysle looking up at Joey.....priceless photo!
Carlysle Grace Delaney was born on October 9th at 4:05 PM. She was 7lbs. 7oz. and 19inches long. Leslie did great, outside of a failed epidural that had to be replaced, and she seemed like she has done this a thousand times before. We were able to go home yesterday and were so glad to get out of that hospital room. Riggs has done well so far under the new circumstances and doesn't even act like her crying bothers him. . . and he had plenty of exposure to that last night. We are so excited about our new arrival and can't wait for all of our friends and family to meet her. We are very appreciative of all of the thoughts and prayers for our family.
Well we have a birth date set! I am scheduled for an induction (due to some blood pressure issues) on Monday, October 9. Only two days away! Joey and I are so excited about meeting our little girl. We are to arrive Monday morning at 5:30am and get the show on the road. I think we are both filled with so many emotions right now. Maybe me more than Joey. I have a little more to be scared about but mostly I am filled with excitement and anticipation. I can't wait to post pictures as soon as we return home so be on the lookout!
My good friend Kym Farrell hosted the most wonderful shower at Two Peas in a Pot in Columbia. We had such a blast. She purchased a tea set and everyone who attended painted a piece of the tea set, which will be displayed in Carlysle's nursery. Each Grandmother did a tea pot. My sister did the cream and sugar. And everyone else did either a cup and saucer or a small plate. I chose the colors pink, brown, and white (surprise) to match Carlysle nursery. It is so adorable and I can't wait until she is old enought to play with it. Everyone signed the bottom of their piece so one day I'll be able to tell her about that special day. Thanks to Kym who did such an awesome job and gave me such a special gift for Carlysle.
Today we had our 4D ultrasound at the doctor's office. It was such a wonderful experience. Both Mimi and BeeGee were able to be there and we were so excited to share that with them. She was a little shy and kept her hands in front of her face for most of the time. But we were still able to get some good pictures. Her estimated weight is 3lbs. and 9ozs. Looks like she is going to be a big baby. That makes her Daddy very happy. She looks like she has her Mommy's lips and her Daddy's nose. She is beautiful and we can't wait to meet her.
Thanks to Cindy Welsh, Lauren Corry, Kerry Frazier, MaryAnna Welsh, and my Mom for an absolutely beautiful shower. Everything looked so awesome especially the pink and brown cake made to look like our wedding cake. That was such a nice touch. We received so many beautiful gifts for Carlysle and enjoyed visiting with everyone that attended. Against my better judgement, I am posting pictures from the shower that include pictures of me. I am only doing this for Betsy and Kerri because they email me twice a week asking to see pictures of me. Please excuse the 5 chins I now have......hopefully I'll get rid of at least 4 of them after the baby comes!
Yeah!!! The nursery is painted and I love it!! Many thanks to my Mom and Miss Cindy (oops and Joey) for all the hard work they did. I apparently did not pick an easy pattern to paint. So quite a bit of math, taping and skill went into this beautiful room. There are white stripes on either side of the brown but it's hard to see in these pictures. The first picture is of the bedding (although the sheet will be different and the skirt will be box pleated) we ordered so you can see where the colors came from. Also, in one of the nursery pictures below there is a fabric sample sitting in the window. It matches perfectly and I couldn't be happier. Now I'm just ready to have our little girl in her room.