Here are some pictures from the soccer game. I was trying to get a shot of the jerseys with our logo on it but I couldn't really get a good one. The team that we are sponsoring are 3 and 4 year olds. I had no idea they start that young. They were so cute and so tiny out there playing. We were only able to stay a few minutes because it was freezing that day and it started to rain.

Had to share this with you...Last night we saw the picture of you girls at Betsy's shower. I explained that ya'll were friends of Aunt Jill's from high school, Sara Abbett pointed to your picture and said you look like you are still in high school. Isn't that nice to hear some times.
Hey Les,
I thought I'd reply this way....It was great to hear from you. I'm not sure if I still have your email. I meant to look while I was at work but I was swamped!! I thought about calling you last May when I was going through everything b/c I remembered you telling me about you. It was a very difficult experience for me. I wasn't even ready to try again for quite some time. You are exactly right, I have been a nervous wreck this time. That is why we waited so long to tell everyone this time - especially the boys. It broke my heart to see them cry and us try to explain what had happened and why God decided he needed our baby. Anyways, I've been keeping up with your blog. You have a lot of exciting things going on right now. I'm excited for you and Joey. Please, please keep in touch!!
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