My Grandmother (my Mom's Mom) came for a visit and stayed with Mom and Don for a week in Cypress. Unfortunately, I haven't seen her since my wedding and have missed her terribly. I was so excited that she and my Mom drove to Columbia for a day. This was the first time she was able to see Carlysle. Carlysle was just waking up from a nap so I let Grandmother Hart walk in first to get her up. Carlysle took one look up from her crib, decided she did not recognize this person and proceeded to turn and hide her face...refusing to look back up. She just layed there frozen in her crib. I'm pretty sure she was thinking "Ok, if I can't see her, she can't see me". Thankfully, Grandmother Hart did not have her feelings hurt because it was quite funny. So we had a good laugh over it and Carlysle did eventually warm up and became quite fond of Grandmother Hart.
Thank you Grandmother Hart for coming to visit. We enjoyed spending time with you and hope to see you again soon!

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