Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween Party

On Sunday, Carlysle attended her first Halloween Party. It was actually her friend James' 1st Birthday Party. His birthday is Halloween Day so everyone was supposed to dress in costume. I was concerned that I would look too cute and steal Carlysle's thunder so I skipped on the costume thing. Carlysle decided to be a lady bug this year. I have to say she was adorable in that costume. I wanted to leave her in it all day but I thought that would be a little cruel.

I realized later that I didn't get any full body shots of her in her costume but I did get some of her in partial costume. This picture is what she wears underneath the lady bug outfit and I thought it was just as cute. She looks like she is going to dance class. Joey said it really shows just how short her little legs are. Poor thing. She never had a chance in the leg department.