My child has a serious obsession with swinging. It may have to do with the endless hours she spent in her baby swing as an infant when Mommy and Daddy needed quiet time. She already clearly understands the word "swing". I learned this by accident one day when I mentioned something about going to swing and then proceeded to do some laundry. A temper tantrum immediately followed. At first I had no idea why.....maybe I was sorting wrong? I mean she does have a few extra pink (previously white) shirts but was it really worth all the drama. As I was contemplating why this was such a big deal and the fact that Joey doesn't seem to mind his new blue (previously white) shirts, I realized maybe she actually knew the word "swing". Sure enough when I repeated it she stopped crying, sat up smiling and starting doing her flapping arms dance she does when she's excited, mad, annoyed, etc.
Unfortunately, we do not have a tree with a limb low enough for a swing to hang on. So Papa Joe, being the handyman that he is, built one for Carlysle for her birthday. She loves it! It is so nice to just go outside at home and swing in my pajamas.....because pajamas are apparently frowned upon at the park. Thank you Mimi and Papa Joe for an awesome birthday present.

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